Press Kit

Last Updated: July 18, 2022

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About Trailblaze

Trailblaze facilitates job placements between next-generation seekers and employers using modern solutions. Today's platforms do not cater to the younger generations of future talent, and employers struggle to access this growing workforce. We’ve revolutionized job search by transforming what was once a monotonous process into an AI-driven conversational experience. By offering a naturally redefined way of searching, we give seekers the perfect selection of career choices, with an emphasis on quality over quantity. With this, Business customers gain deep analytics and the freedom to scale their jobs rapidly, ensuring a fast and accurate recruitment process. As our seekers trailblaze through their early careers, we will continue to support them with opportunities along the way.

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enter image description here Left: Aiden Appleby (CEO), Right: Jackson Lawrence (CTO)

Aiden Appleby - CEO

Aiden Appleby is the co-founder and CEO of Trailblaze, a marketplace for first-time workers to kickstart their careers. Prior to Trailblaze, Aiden was a student at Design Tech High School, where he led numerous student organizations. Aiden spearheads the innovation and expansion efforts for Trailblaze; alongside that, he supports the engineering efforts with his near 10 years of development experience. Aiden is currently a student at Northeastern University in Boston, Massachusetts.

LinkedIn: @aidenappleby Email: [email protected]

Jackson Lawrence - CTO

As Chief Technology Officer, Jackson Lawrence spearheads the development and distribution of technology for Trailblaze users. Before becoming a co-founder of Trailblaze, he worked as a developer for Grindstone (now Trailblaze), where he designed and developed the frontend systems for the mobile app, at the time. Alongside co-founding a start-up, Jackson is also pursuing a Computer Science and Business Administration degree at Northeastern University in Boston, Massachusetts.

LinkedIn: @jackson-lawrence Email: [email protected]